
beat365亚洲体育在线国际化示范基地荷兰代尔夫特理工大学Eric Verschuur博士学术报告(2020002)

日期:2020-06-15 点击数:

报告题目:Removing or Using Multiples?

报告人:Eric Verschuur博士

报告时间:618日(周四)下午200 300


会议号:499942094 密码:1234






+8675536550000,,499942094# (中国大陆)

+85230018898,,,2,499942094# (中国香港)


+8675536550000 (中国大陆)

+85230018898 (中国香港)


Nowadays there is a debate on removing multiple reflections versus using multiples as additional information for imaging, velocity estimation and inversion. On the one hand multiples only repeat information that is already incorporated in primaries. However, this assumes that these primaries are also measured. If the data acquisition is such that the measurements cover all of the subsurface, and if these measurements are done with very good signal-to-noise ratio, indeed the primaries are sufficient to image all of the subsurface structures at all possible angles of illumination. This may happen in shallow water scenarios, where the water layer multiples do not seem to add more information on the deeper subsurface and may be better removed in a pre-processing step. For this process the developed surface-related multiple elimination (SRME) method need to be adapted to a Closed-loop SRME method in order to face the challenges associated with shallow water.

On the other hand, if data acquisition does not have a full coverage in a 3D sense (especially think of OBN or VSP type geometries), then multiples can contain unique information not present in primary reflections. By including the multi-scattering wave paths in the imaging process a two-fold benefit is achieved: a reduction of artifacts and an increase in illumination and resolution of the medium. This means that traditional imaging is replaced by a Full Wavefield Migration (FWM) process, in which both surface and internal multiples are used and explained to arrive at a high-resolution image. In addition, Joint Migration-Inversion (JMI) method describes this inversion process in terms of reflection image and propagation velocities.

In the seminar, both CL-SRME as well as FWM and JMI will be described and illustrated.


Eric Verschuur博士是勘探地球物理界知名的地震成像反演及多次波估计方法的专家,博士毕业于代尔夫特理工大学(1991年),主要从事地震多次波估计,地震全波场成像和联合反演,以及针对目标储层的高精度储层描述与监测方面的研究。2003年至2013年,Verschuur博士曾担任勘探地球物理顶级期刊Geophysics副主编。2006年,Verschuur博士被选为EAGE年度杰出讲师,并且在北美,中东,东亚的20多个国家和地区开展EAGE全球巡讲。同年,他加入了EAGE研究委员会并在2013年至2016年担任该委员会主席。Verschuur博士在2006年发表了EAGE专著“Seismic multiple removal techniques: past, present and future(地震多次波去除技术的过去,现在和未来)。在国际声誉方面,SEG为表彰Verschuur博士在勘探地球物理领域的杰出贡献及成就,分别在1997年和2006年为他颁发了“J. Clarence Karcher Award”“Virgil Kauffman Gold Medal”Verschuur博士自2016年起担任由30家国际油气及油服公司资助的世界知名地球物理工业研究组Delphi Consortium主任,同时自1997年起一直担任代尔夫特理工大学成像物理系博士生导师,至今已指导25位博士毕业生。